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An evil villain by the name of Eden has appeared. He's created his own alternate universe, where he has captured six of your friends. You play as Adam, who was outside the home at the time, and you must go to the nearby convenience store to buy some bleach (they don't sell it in this wasteland). Once you're back home with bleach in hand, you need to use that bleach on the circle that is set up. This will then transport Adam into that circle and he can then travel through these worlds saving his friends. - Battle - The enemy is varied. There are some humanoid enemies, some old machines, and other creatures. The humanoid enemies are stronger than the machines, but the machines are just as strong. You can't control your teammates in battle, but you can manipulate them before battle begins. Each of your teammates have different abilities that are important to know about, so it's definitely worth knowing what they can do before fighting with them. - Stages - The Stages are where you will save your friends from the enemy Eden's clutches. Sometimes there will be a save point or checkpoint scattered around these levels to where you can save your progress. And sometimes, there won't be a save point at all. Your teammates will be there to help you out as well. - World - These worlds are called All Worlds. There are six All World levels in total. There is the Exile World, the Dungeon World, and another three that I don't know the name of. Each one of these worlds are all different from each other in design and appearance. Most of them have shops located around them that can help Adam out with money or his health when he gets injured by an enemy in battle, which replenishes at a certain rate. - Score - Your score is based on the number of enemies you defeat, how many souls you save, and how many times you lose. You can't die in these worlds. When you die, however, your data files are deleted. - Replay Value - For the price of just $0.99 this game has a high replay value. I think that this game could have sold for more because it's worth it to download it to see what happened if you ever died because there really isn't too much dying to do so I feel that someone would have tried this game out after they tried to find something else to play with their money... Other than that, I don't see any other replay value to this game. - Controls - You'll use the directional pad and tap the circle to move around and the triangle button to jump. You can also tap on your teammates during battle and make them do an alternate move rather than their usual attacking move. 1. 2. 3.. eccc085e13